Online Education DegreeBecome a Licensed Teacher With an Online Education Degree

Online schools offer more than 520 accredited online education degrees! That includes all levels of degree from certificate levels and associate degrees through to PhD programs. Generally, undergraduate degrees like certificates and associate degrees are introductory programs. They may cover general liberal arts topics, curriculum design and instructional techniques. Undergraduate stand-alone certificates are available for early childhood education. Certificates earned as part of a bachelor's degree cover a range of topics like adult education or policy.

If you plan to pursue a career in education, be sure the institution where you take your online education degree is accredited! Students must make sure their college's accreditation is recognized by the teaching board where they plan to be licensed.  The primary accrediting body is The Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) and there are other bodies that cover education licensing in various regions and for specific disciplines. Inadequate accreditation can be a real problem, especially if your online education degree is based in a different region than you plan to teach in. Plan ahead and learn what your prospective board recognizes and requires.

An Overview of Online College Degrees in the Education Field

Bachelor’s degrees in education are the minimum requirement to teach in public elementary and secondary schools. Online degrees are available in elementary education, early childhood education, secondary education, and special education. In general, half of the credits in bachelor’s degrees in education are in the education major core, while half are in liberal arts topics like natural science, social science, communications, and math.

Online graduate certificates and master’s degrees in education are often used to earn a teaching credential and state teaching license. Current teachers can use these programs to advance their understanding of teaching skills. Master’s programs and certificates are available in specializations such as education technology, elementary teacher education, special education, literacy, teacher leadership, administration, and adult education.

Online doctoral degrees in education are usually aimed at students who want to work in higher-level education policy or administration roles. These degree programs require students to perform research into a particular area of education, such as learning sciences and technology or race and language in education.

Source: Guide to Online Schools